Optional subjects archive
List of optional subiects 2017/2018
- Cell and tissue culture (english version) (polish version)
- Conflicts - methods of analyzing and solving (english version) (polish version)
- Diagnostics of hupersensivity reaction (allergic and autoimmune diseases) (english and polish version)
- Doctor-patient communication I (english polish) (polish version)
- Emergency service in Internam Medicine - differential dignosis and clinical (english version) (polish version)
- Food additives and genetically modified food - facts and myths - (english version) (polish version)
- Forensic applications of modern medical diagnostics techniques (english and polish version)
- Forensic aspects of data security and communication in medicine (english and polish version)
- Forensic aspects of practical anatomy (english version) (polish version)
- Forensic aspects of traffic accidents. (english and polish version)
- How effectively plan your time (english version) (polish version)
- Immunochistrochemistry and electron microscopy methods in evaluation of the morphology of various tissues and organs (english version) (polish version)
- Latin language in medical terminology (english and polish version)
- Laughter therapy (english and polish version)
- Medical aspects of socjal pathologies (english and polish version)
- Molecular biotechnology in medicine (english version) (polish version)
- Non-Governmental Organisations in Health Promotion (english version) (polich version)
- Nutrition and non-communicable diseases (english version) (polich version)
- Neuroanatomy (english version) (polish version)
- Molecular Medicine Techniques - clinical application (english version) ((polish version)
- Phisical Antropology (english and polish version)
- Practical aspects of after diwscharge care on new borns and premature infants (english and polish version)
- Preventive and anti-aging medicine (english version) (polish version)
- Preventive care in familly medicine (english and polish version)
- Prevention of cardiovascular diseases (english version) (polish version)
- Surface anathomy (english version) (polish version)
- Technics and Molecur Medicine (english version) (polish version)
- The Autonomic Nervous System: Physiology, Testing and Clinical Implications" (english version) (polish version)
- The clinical usage of histological methods (english and polish version)
- The new trends in laboratory diagnostic (english version) (polish version)
- The problems in internam medicine - questions and answers for final exams (english version) (polish version)
- Travel medicine, tropical diseas, vaccinations (english and polish version)
- Treatment as teamwork (english version) (polish version)
- Ultrasonography in gastroenterology (english and polish version)
- Workshop on hypertensiology (english version) (polish version)
- Virology (english version) (polish version)
- Selected issues in clinical biochemistry (english version) (polish version)
- Parental and Enteral Nutrition (english version) (polish version)
ED - optional subjects 2016/2017
List of optional subiects 2016/2017
- Cell and tissue culture - PL hodowla komórek i tkanek
- Cell and tissue culture
- Diagnostic of hipersensitivity reactions (allergic and autoimmune diseases)
- Doctor-patient communication I
- Elements of clinical physiology
- Emergency servise in Internal medicine - differential diagnosis and clinical case with respect to the guidelines
- Forensic aspects of data security and communication in medicine
- Forensic aspects of practical anatomy
- Forensic aspects of traffic accidents
- Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy methods
- Latin language in medical terminology 1st year
- Library information
- Molecular biotechnology in medicine
- Neuroanatomy
- Parental and Enternal Nutrition
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Preventive and anti-aging medicine
- Preventive care in family medicine
- Scientific information
- Selected issues in clinical biochemistry
- Surface anatomy
- Techniques in molecular medicine - optional course
- The clinical usage of histological methods
- The problems in inernal medicine - questions and answers for final exam
- Travel medicine, tropical diseases, vaccinations
- Ultrasound in Gastroenterology
- Virology
- Workshop on hypertensiology
ED - optional subjects 2015/2016
- Forensic ascepts of traffic accidents
- Library Information
- Cell and tissue culture
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Surface anatomy
- Clinical usage of histological methods
- Virology
- Medical Polish
- Scientific information
- Diagnostic of hypersensitivity reactions
- Future of immune diagnosis and therapy
- Interpretation of microbiological examination results as a base of antimicrobial therapy
- Miscellaneous humans pathogens
- Preventive care in family medicine