Study regulations
Study regulations 2022/2023 - Polish version, English version;
Annex to the Regulations - Polish version, English version;
Study regulations 2021/2022 - Polish version, English version;
The list of prerequisite courses referred to in Art. 44 sec. 3 (3) of Study Regulations of the Wroclaw Medical University effective from the academic year 2021/2022
Study regulations 2020/2021 - Polish version, English version
Study regulations 2019/2020 - Polish version, English version
Study regulations 2018/2019 - Polish version, English version
Study regulations 2017/2018 - Polish version, English version
- Application - Individual Study Plan Schedule
- Application - Individual Study Plan
- Application - for approval to conditional enrollment
- Application - for approval to the retake of a semester/year
- Application - for approval to change the form of studies
- Application - for a leave
- Application - for approval to completion of part of the programm in another institution
- Application- for approval to the student’s transfer from another institution to a programm offered by Wroclaw Medical University
- Application - for approval to resumption of studies
- Request - reactivation of examination/credit term
- Request - reimbursement of overpayment
- Request - a duplicate of a lost student ID
- Ordinance No. 238/XVI R/2020 of the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University of 2 November 2020 - Procedure for Counteracting Unequal Treatment
- Resolution no. 233/XVI R/2021 of the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University of 1 October 2021 – Procedure of conduct after professional exposure to HIV, HBV, HCV infection
- Regulation no. 35/XIII R/2005 of the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University in Wroclaw of 23 May 2005 - regarding addiction prevention
- Occupational Hazards and Fire Safety Training for Newly Enrolled Students
- Data Privacy Notice