Emergency Medicine CS classes

Dear Students,

please note that on Monday's Emergency medicine CS classes first comes all groups "a", they begin at 8.00-9.30,
and next all groups "b", they begin at 9.30-11.00.

ED Staff

6th year students - Family Medicine credit

Dear 6th year students,
You can credited  the Family Medicine subject till Monday 25th of September 2017. After this day all students who do not have credit will have to repeat a subject.
ED Staff

Studentki ED na wymianie w Helios Klinikum w Berlinie

Dwa semestry piątego roku Wydziału Lekarskiego spędziłyśmy w Helios Klinikum w Berlinie. Opiekę dydatkyczną sprawował prof. dr Michael Berliner wraz z koordynatorką projektu dr Matyldą Nosul.

Information for 6th year students

Dear 6th year students,
Please contact with Family Medicine Department or contact with m.bujnowska@poczta.onet.pl ASAP.
Many of you do not have credits.

ED staff

Information for 6th year students

Dear 6th year students,
Please give back your attendance card to Psychiatry Department or contact with jozef.zajac@umed.wroc.pl ASAP.
Many of you do not have credits.
ED staff

Days, hours free of classes

Dear Students,
We would like to inform regarding the Rector's Days and Rector's Hours which are free of classes :
02.10.2017 - from 02:00pm the Rector's hours - free of classes
05.10.2017 - Rector's Day - free of classes
06.10.2017 - from 10:00am to 02:00pm - free of classes due to the Imatriculation of the academic year
ED Staff

Orientation days - for a new students

Wrocław Medical Uniwersity  hereby has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in our Orientation Days for new students, which will be held on Setember 28-29 th 2017 in lecture hall of the Department of Anatomy, Chalubinskiego 6A. from 9 am till 1 pm. We strongly advice you to participate in order to get a good start of your academic adventure in our Uniwersity.


Dear Students,

Please be informed that you can sign up for optionals from 2.10.2017 till 6.10.2017. Don't send any emails to the teachers now, we will put a new list of optionals in the current information and then you can sign up!

ED Staff

Microbiology re-take exam

Dear Students,
Microbiology re-take exam for 2nd year students and students repeating the subject:
 - Monday 18.09.2017
 - at 10:00am
 - Lecture hall at Department of Microbiology  ul. Chłubińskiego 4,
ED Staff

Facebook for first year students

Dear First Year Students,
All information concerning divide into groups you can find when you login Facebook:
LINK: https://www.facebook.com/Division-of-Anatomy-Department-of-Human-Morphol...
ED Staff