Information for 1st year students

Dear 1st year Students,
Please pay the following amount for:
1) Index - 4 PLN
2) Student's ID card - 17 PLN
The payment deadline is  28.09.2017r.
Please pay on the same account number where you've payed tuition fee for the first semester.
ED Staff

Confirmation of the payment - 6th year Students

Dear 6th year Students,
Please send us confirmation of the payment for the tuition fee for academic year 2017/2018 - winter semester.
The deadline for payments is 15.09.2017
The  ED Staff

Internal Disease Propaedeutics - retake exam
Dear Students,
Internal Disease Propaedeutics - retake exam will take place on Tuesday 26.09.2017 at 09:30. 
Form of the exam: oral.  

Place of the exam: Dpt. of Internal Medicine and Allergology; M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 66.
ED Staff

Confirmation of summer apprenticeship

Dear Student,
Please remember about confirmation of summer apprenticeship! The form you can find on our website (english division-summer apprenticeship).
Remember is not allowed to transfer summer apprenticeship for the next summer!!! You have to follow your program!
We will not accept your confirmation if you hasn't filled out the 'request for consent to organize an internship on one's own'
ED Staff

Tuition fee

Dear Students,
We remind you about tuition fee for the next semester, the deadline is the 15 of September. After that date the system will charge you interest. But first log in to the Virtual System and check your account. If you have any dept or overpayment please pay more or less.
In the system you can find your account number, first check don't ask us!
You can find your account number also in the agreement which you have signed in the ED office.

ED Staff

Pharmacology and toxicology - retake

3rd year Medical Students - Pharmacology and toxicology retake exams. First retake in Pharmacology and toxicology will be in the Department of Pharmacology on 8th of September (Friday) at 9 a.m., second retake will be on 15th of September (Friday) also at 9 a.m., please come 15 minutes earlier.

ED Staff


Dear Students,
The JUBILATKA dorm will be opened from 26.09.2017 (for academic year 2017/2018).
Sorry for inconvenience.

Information for 3rd year students

Dear 3rd year ED students,
Clinical Immunology 1st re-take exam will take place on 6th of September at 11:00 at Clinical Immunology Dept. (Chałubińskiego 5, 2nd floor)

Re-take exam - Anatomy

Dear Students,
Re-take exam - Anatomy
1st re-take 4th of September (practical) and 5th of September (theory)
2nd re-take 11th of September (practical) and 12th of September (theory)
ED Staff

Information for 5th year students

Dear  5th year students,
Please be informed that on your 5th year (academic year 2017/2018) you will have Oncology Exam on 18.06.2018
ED Staff