Dear Student,
please remember, you can choose optionals for winter semester!!!! You can not sign up for summer - don't send any emails to the teachers.
ED Staff
Dear Students.
The lists for both optional courses are already closed. Do not send any emails.
ED Staff
Dear Students
Please do not send any emails to professor email. The list is available in the Department of Paediatric Surgery (department office).
ED Staff
Dear Students.
Please note that the list is already closed. In the attachment you can find the list of students who are accepted.
If anybody from the list decided not to take part in the course please send urgent message to dr hab. M. Bujnowska-Fedak: (there are students on the reserve list).
ED Staff
Dear Students.
Faculty lectures of virology will start on Monday 10th October 2017 at 17.00 in the lecture hall of the Department of Microbiology Chałubińskiego 4 Street. The same lecture will be repeated on Wednesday 11th October at 17.00. Student wanting to attend the faculty lectures of virology please come on the first lecture to sign on the list.
ED Staff
Dear Students,
We have created for you one-way E-mail (from teachers to Students) on
Password: Pharma123
Please check it regularly, because all important information concerning
the Pharmacology and toxicology course will be sent to you in this way.
Best wishes, Anna Merwid-Ląd
Dear Students,
please sign up for optionals (the current list is attached). You can sign up only for optionals which are dedicated only for WINTER SEMSTER and for your level (you can not sign up for summer)!!!
In the table (in the last field) you can find an email (where to send the application) or the info how to sign up.
Your email has to include the COURS from the list (teachers have often a few optionals) your name, surname and student number.
You have time for signing up only till the 6th of October.
Dear Students,
please find in the attachment the places of psychiatry classes. Here is the link.
ED Satff
Dear Students,
Internal Disease Propaedeutics - II- nd retake exam will take place on Tuesday 03.09.2017 at 10:00. Place of the exam: Dpt. of Internal Medicine and Allergology; M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 66.
ED Staff
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