To all students,
Please use our Virtual University to check all your grades. Instructions for login is available at the following link: Virtual University.
ED Staff
Please send us confirmation of the payment for the tuition fee for academic year 2017/2018 - summer semester. We can not register your payment. The information is directed only to the students who pays in EURO and have not sent us confirmation yet.
ED Staff
Dear 5th year Students,
We would like to inform you, that the lecture in Internal Disease-Hematology will be held on 23.10.2017 (16:00-18:00) at Nyska Hall, ul. Pasteura 4, 1 floor (transfered from 13.10.2017).
Dear Students,
please find in the attachment the timetable of selected optionals
Best regards, ED Staff
Dear Students,
here is the list of students - Laughter Therapy
ED Staff
Dear Students,
Still available optional - 'Advanced clinical electrography'
If you are interested, please send an email to prof. Jacek Gajek (
ED Staff
Dear 1st year Students,
ED office urgently requests Students with ID no 10989, 10905, 10857 to deliver to ED office the photo.
ED Staff
Dear 6th Year Students,
Please be informed about some changes with seminary of Pediatrics subject.
Please fined enclosed new schedule.
BR, ED Staf
Lectures for the 4th year students with prof. Brigid Knysz were transferred from Koszarowa to the hall on the Library.
ED Staff
Lectures from Internal Diseases Propaedeutics will begin on Wednesday 11.10.2017.
ED Staff
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