Dear students,
pre-term of the exam from Oncology for V year students in academic year 2017/2018 will be held on 21.05.2018.
First term of the exam from Oncology will be held on 18.06.2018
ED Staff
The pediatric lecture on the 7th of November is cancelled and will take place on the 28th of November at Borowska st.,
in the Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Building A, 4th floor.
ED Staff
To All Students,
31.10 - Rector's Day; 01.11, 02.11, 03.11 - free of classes.
ED Staff
To All 6th year students,
Please be informed that the Peadiatric's exam (summer examination session 2017/2018) will be on 16.05.2018 - written test in Library Lecture Hall, if you pass it you will go for oral exam.
1st Department and Clinic of Paediatrics, Allergology and Cardiology
ul. Chałubińskiego 2a, 50-368 Wrocław
tel.: 71 770 30 91, faks : 71 328 12 06
dr hab. Barbara Sozańska
Dear Students,
Due to the great interest of the faculty of neuroanatomy, I would like to inform all students that the subject will be taken in two groups starting from 22 November (Wednesday) ie at 9.00 to 10.30 and 10.30-12.00. Students interesting in neuroanatomy are kindly requested to arrive for classes at the appropriate time on the day of course beginning. If this is the case, the third group will be held in the summer semester.
Subject coordinator
Marek Syrycki
To all Students,
Friday 22nd of December 2017 all students has the Rector's Day - free of classes.
ED Staff
All new enrolled students are invited for Matriculation Ceremony. Please come to the library hall at 10.30 a.m. The ceremony starts at 11.00 a.m.
Remember formal clothes are required (black, white, navy:)
Friends and family members unfortunately can't be present because of lack of space.
ED Staff
Dear 4th year Students,
We would like to inform that tomorrow's (24.10.2017) Lecture of Infectious Diseases is cancelled.
ED Staff
To all Students,
22nd of December 2017 is normal classes day. If the Rector will change it - we will inform you immediate.
Best regards, ED Staff
Dear 3rd year students,
Please pick up indexes from ED office ASAP.
They aren't completed.
ED Staff
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