The previous term of immatriculation ceremony - October 16th 2018 - is cancelled. We will inform you about the new term.
Kind regards, ED Staff
Dear Students,
We would like to inform you that on 09.10.2018 we are closed due to Inauguration of the Academic Year 2018/2019.
Sorry for inconvenience, ED Staff
Dear Students,
Thank you for your interest in Laughter Therapy course. Those of you have have been offered a place got a confirmation email from me. Those of you have haven't got a place, hopefully will apply next semester!
Best wishes,
Maria Kmita
Dear Students,
we would like to inform that the Optional subject 'Virology" will be held in Department of Microbiology, Chałubińskiego str. 4
Fridays 12.10.2018 -23.11.2018,
NEW HOUR : 16.45- 18.45
Best regards, ED staff
Dear Students,
here you will find Optional subjects - list with details
Best regards, ED Staff
Dear Students,
here you will find schedule of the optionals :
- Nutrition and noncommunicable diseases
- Food additives and genetically modified food - facts and myths
ED Staf
Dear Students,
We would like to inform that the optional subject " Treatment as a teamwork " will be held on :
gr. I 07.11.2018, 21.11.2018, 16.30-20.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
gr. II 11.01.2019, 18.01.2019, 12.30-16.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
ED Staff
Dear Students,
We would like to inform that the optional subject " How effectively plan your time ? " will be held on :
F3 Bujwida 44
gr. I 24.10.2018, 31.10.2018 16.30-20.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
gr. II 09.01.2019, 16.01.2019 12.30-16.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
ED Staff
Dear Students,
We would like to inform that the optional subject " Conflicts - methods of analyzing and solving " will be held on :
F3 Bujwida 44
gr. I 10.10.2018 , 17.10.2018 16.30-20.15 Bujwida 44 Social Medicine Department
gr. II 07.01.2019, 14.01.2019 12.30-16.15 Bujwida 44 Social Medicine Department
ED Staff
Dear Students,
We would like to inform that the optional subject " Laughter Theraphy" will be held on :
9.15-10.45 I group
10.45-12.15 II group
Classes starts on 17.10.18
Place: Department and Clinic of Geriatrics, Wroclaw Medical University,
Curie-Sktodowskiej 66, 1st floor
ED Staff
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