Immatriculation ceremony - changes

The previous term of immatriculation ceremony - October 16th 2018 - is cancelled. We will inform you about the new term.
Kind regards, ED Staff

Inauguration of the Academic Year 2018/2019

Dear Students,
We would like to inform you that on 09.10.2018 we are closed due to Inauguration of the Academic Year 2018/2019.
Sorry for inconvenience, ED Staff

Optional Subject - Laughter Therapy

Dear Students,

Thank you for your interest in Laughter Therapy course. Those of you have have been offered a place got a confirmation email from me. Those of you have haven't got a place, hopefully will apply next semester!

Best wishes,
Maria Kmita

Virology - optional subject- NEW HOUR

Dear Students,
we would like to inform that the Optional subject 'Virology" will be held in Department of Microbiology, Chałubińskiego str. 4
Fridays 12.10.2018 -23.11.2018,
NEW HOUR : 16.45- 18.45
Best regards, ED staff

Optional subjects - list with details

Dear Students,
here you will find Optional subjects - list with details
Best regards, ED Staff

Two optionals - schedules

Dear Students,

here you will find schedule of the optionals :

  1. Nutrition and noncommunicable diseases
  2. Food additives and genetically modified food - facts and myths

ED Staf

Treatment as a teamwork – optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject " Treatment as a teamwork " will be held on :

gr. I 07.11.2018, 21.11.2018, 16.30-20.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
gr. II 11.01.2019, 18.01.2019, 12.30-16.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department

ED Staff

How effectively plan your time ? – optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject " How effectively plan your time ? " will be held on :

F3 Bujwida 44
gr. I 24.10.2018, 31.10.2018 16.30-20.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
gr. II 09.01.2019, 16.01.2019 12.30-16.15, Bujwida 44, Social Medicine Department
ED Staff

Conflicts - methods of analyzing and solving – optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject " Conflicts - methods of analyzing and solving " will be held on :

F3 Bujwida 44
gr. I 10.10.2018 , 17.10.2018 16.30-20.15 Bujwida 44 Social Medicine Department
gr. II 07.01.2019, 14.01.2019 12.30-16.15 Bujwida 44 Social Medicine Department
ED Staff

Laughter Theraphy – optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject " Laughter Theraphy" will be held on :

9.15-10.45 I group
10.45-12.15 II group
Classes starts on 17.10.18

Place: Department and Clinic of Geriatrics, Wroclaw Medical University,
Curie-Sktodowskiej 66, 1st floor

ED Staff