Non-Governmental Organisations in Health Promotion - optional subject

Dear Students,
here you will find schedule of the Non-Governmental Organisations in Health Promotion
ED Staff


Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject " PREVENTIVE CARE IN THE FAMILY MEDICINE " will be held on :

Group 1: 15.11 i 20.11.2018 (10h), 15.00-19.00
Group 2: 22.11 i 27.11.2018 (10h), 15.00-19.00,

2 groups (6 persons each)
ED Staff

Physical Anthropology – optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject " Physical Anthropology " will be held on :

Tuesdays, 17:00 to 18:30, I floor, Department of Anatomy, T. Chałubińskiego str 6a.

10 hours, one group, max. 24 persons.
ED Staff

Forensic aspects of practical anatomy – optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject "Forensic aspects of practical anatomy" will be held on :

one group 03.12.2018 - 07.12.2018r. and 07.01.2018 - 11.01.2018r., 5.45am - 8.00am,  Department of Forensic Medicine, J. Mikulicza-Radeckiego str. 4.

ED Staff

Prevention of cardiovascular disease - optional subject

Dear Students,

We would like to inform that the optional subject “Prevention of cardiovascular disease” will be held on :

Wednesday 11:45-13:15 - 10 weeks group 1
Wednesday 13:15-14:45 - 10 weeks group 2
Wednesday 14:45-16:15 - 10 weeks group 3

ED Staff

Internal Diseases lecture - V Year ED Faculty of Medicine Students

Dear Students,
We'd like to inform that Internal Diseases(2) Lecture planned for: 19.10.2018 at 17:15-19:15 has been moved to 13.12.2018 from 16:15-18:15. The lecture will take place in seminar room of the Department and Clinic of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Hypertension.

In case of the need of changing hours please contact prof. Anna Skoczyńska in the department.

ED Staff

Seminar in Dietetics - V Year Faculty of Medicine Students.

Dear Students,

We'd like to inform that Seminar in Dietetics planned for: 03.10.2018 (groups: 1-4 V ED and ER1,2) has been moved to 05.11.2018 hours: 13:30-15:00 in seminar room of the Department and Clinic of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Hypertension.

In case of the need of changing hours please contact prof. Anna Skoczyńska in the department.

ED Staff

Virology - optional subject

Dear Students,
we would like to inform that the Optional subject 'Virology" will be held in Department of Microbiology, Chałubińskiego str. 4
Fridays 12.10.2018 -23.11.2018, hours : 16.45 - 18.45
Best regards, ED staff

Books fair in our University,

Medical fair in our University,
we would like to invite you to Medical fair which will be organized in our University on 4th October in our library building. This is good place to buy/sell books, we recommend it.
BR ED Staff


Dear Students,

you can enrol for optional subjects between the 3rd and 7th of October (the current list is attached). You can sign up only for subjects which are dedicated for WINTER SEMESTER and for your year!

You can't send any email to the teachers before the date!!!

The list with the email address we will published on Wednesday morning (3/10/2018).

Please remember you can sign up using only your umed email box!!!