Summer Apprenticeship - 2nd year students

Dear 2nd year students,

Please deliver to the ED office your Program of the Student's Summer Apprenticeship after 1st year.
ED office is waiting for this till the end of October.
BR, ED Staff

Days free of classes

Dear Students,

Please note that according to organization of the academic year 2018/2019 there are days free of classes from 01.11-02.11.2018.

Best Regards, ED Staff


Pediatric lecture cancelled - 4th year students

Dear 4 th year students,

The pediatric lecture (23rd of October, 13.15 at the Library building) is cancelled due to the lecturer's sick leave.

BR, Kinga Musiał
Pediatric Nephrology

Microbiology lecture (3 year) and Virology optional (2 and 3 year)

Dear Students,

we inform that Microbiology lecture 24.10.18 for the 3rd year (Respiratory tract infections) is postponed for 31.10.18

Virology optional 23.10.2018 is postponed for 18.12.2018
Best regards, ED staff

Virology - optional

Dear Student,
we inform that Prof. Sobieszczanska has changed the date of optional. It will take place on Tuesday 16.45-18.15.
Best regards, ED staff

M. Bujnowska-Fedak - optional - Students accepted

Dear Students,

please note that all students accepted for optional 'Preventive care in family medicine' MUST confirm theirs participation till today (send an email to Ms Bujnowska-Fedak).

Find the attached list.

ED Staff

Visiting Profesor

Dear Students,

At the invitation of the Department of Psychiatry Professor Birenda Nath Mallick from New Delhi will visit Wroclaw Medical University. The Professor will give a series of lectures and seminars on neurobiological problems of sleep. The lectures and seminars will held at the Library (ul. K. Marcinkowskiego 2-6).

We invite you to participate.

Rector's Hours not for ED

Dear Students,
Due to the fact that Immatriculation for the 1st year ED students won't be held on October 16th 2018, you don't have Rector's Hours this day. You are obliged to attend classes.
Kind regards, ED Staff

ED closed

Dear Students,
We would like to inform you that from Monday 15/10/2018 till Tuesday 16/10/2018 ED office will be closed.
Sorry for inconvenience, ED Staff

ED Open for Students

We would like to inform you that the ED office will be open for students on the following Friday, ie 12/10/2018 from 12:00 to 14:00pm.
ED Staff