Neuroanatomy classes

Dear students,
We would like to inform that the first classes on Neuroanatomy will be held next Tuesday, 13.00 in Museum of Anatomy
ED Staff

ED office on Monday

Dear Students,
We would like to inform that ED Office is closed next Monday 31st October .
ED Staff

To all second year student

Please came to ED office If you didn't get blue index.

6th year students - info from Tutor

Dear Students,
Dr Kinga Niewinska, your tutor, asks you to contact her asap. There is a need to clarify and explain some details of your study schedule. Could you please choose a group representative among yourselves and make this person responsible for contact?

Contact details for dr Niewinska:

Optional course: 'Preventive care in family medicine'

GROUP 1      3.11.2016 & 8.11.2016  ( dr Maria Bujnowska-Fedak, dr Bartosz Sapilak)
3.11.2016  Thursday (16.00- 19.15) with dr Maria Bujnowska-Fedak, Family Practice at Syrokomli 1, Wrocław, 1st floor, room 120
    8.11.2016  Tuesday (15.00-18.15) with dr Bartosz Sapilak, Outpatient Clinic at Ostrowskiego 3, Wrocław, 1st floor, room 283

MATRICULATION for 1 year - 28.10.16

All new students have to be in the library hall at 11.15 a.m. The ceremony starts at 11.30 a.m. You have to sit in group order 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b...... We will give you lists of groups.
All students have to have with them the oath.
Students who can't attend the ceremony must inform their group leader.
Remember formal clothes are required (black, white, navy:)
Friends and family members unfortunately can't be accomodated because of lack of space.
ED Staff

Rector's Day for 1 year students

Due to matriculation ceremony, students of the 1st year have Rector's Day on October 28th.
ED Staff

To all students who repeats the first year

Please remember that you are obligated to do 100 hours optional courses (according to the new curriculum  2016/2017). It means, if you did 70 hours you need 30 hours more.

All Medicine Students

Dear Students,
The deadline for Indexes and examination cards (winter and summer semesters) and confirmation of summer apprenticeship is on 31/10/2016.
ED Staff

USMLE - meeting

On November 3rd, 2016 at 18:00, a few successful WMU students as well as I, shall be presenting a lecture about the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1. Anyone interested in learning more about this exam, please join us at the new school library on Chalubinskiego, main floor. Thank you for your time.
Adrian Pona