The second general meeting for the Student Research Circle in pediatrics will take place Wednesday, December 7 at 18:00, Wojewodzki Szpital Specjalistyczny im J. Gromkowskiego (Koszarowa 5, 51-149). For those who wish to join or are new to the club please take a look at our facebook page (SRC Pediatrics 2016/2017--
I look forward to seeing you there.
Daniel Lewandowski
SRC President 2016-2017
All group representatives are obligated to conduct a survey in theirs group - at the end of every subject/ classess. Please use the link below to find the survey
ED Staff
Due to other important duties, the date of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition optional course for the Sunday group in December has changed
from 11th December to 4th December, 2016 (one week earlier). Other
details remain the same.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience. Those students who are unable to attend
the course on 4th December, may come with the Saturday group on 17th
Adam Skalski, MD, PhD
Dear Students.
We would like to inform that the place and term (25.11.2016) of the lecture on Pediatrics (Propaedeutics) has changed. The lecture will be held on 20th January 2017, 11.30 in Lecture Hall of Ophthalmology, Chalubinskiego 2
ED Staff
Please select a representative of each grup and contact via mail Mrs Joanna Musiał ( regarding of preterm Infectious Diseases Exam.
ED Staff
Dear Students of 6th year.
The lottery for Gynecology exam will be held on Friday (25.11.2016) at 2:00 p.m. in English Division office.
Only one representative of each group can participate in the lottery.
ED staff
Dear Students,
Please be present on today classes (Public Health) with Dr Einhorn on 01:30 pm. not 12:30 pm.
Dear ED Students.
English version of web page of Student Government, Wroclaw Medical University has been launched. We would like to encourage you to visit it. Here is the link :
Best regards, ED Staff
Dear students,
All First year students who have not participated in exam of Occupational Hazards and Fire Safety Training are requested to contact with ED office – Piotr Cugier.
Please note that the exam is mandatory and absence may result in a problem in receiving the examination card.
Best regards, Piotr Cugier
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