Dear Student,
We would like to invite you for the meetings with prof. Jerzy Leppert. The meetings concerns Summer apprenticeship in Västerås. Date: 06.03.2017 Biernackiego lecture hall at 04:00pm and 07.03.2017 Psychiatry Department (Pasteura 10) - lecture hall at 04:00pm
ED Staff
Optional Course in Physiology will be held for 6 weeks, on Mondays – it consists of 4 classes and 2 seminars. The course begins on the 6th of March (Monday), 2017 at 3:15 pm – 8:00 pm, (last seminar is on the 10th of April, 2017).
The course is prepared for 4 groups, each of 12 students (only 48 students can enroll the course).
Registration for the course is held from 06.02.2017 - 17.02.2017 (no longer).
To all 5th year students,
Please refer to the Information for 5th year PRACTICAL CLINICAL TEACHING and read it carefully.
Deadline for submitting of the declaration is on 28th February 2017.
ED Staff
Dear students, we would like to encourage you to vote for our student Madeleine Johansson in Interstudent 2017 competition. Yes, she can be a winner !
Here is the link :
Best regards, ED Staff
The conditional credit from Medical Chemistry will be held on February 14th at 10.00
in Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry,
Bujwida Street 44a
Best Regards, ED Staff
Dear students,
Please deliver to the Department of Familiy Medycine yours Attendance card.
This is necessary to receive credit.
Best Regards,
dr hab. Maria Bujnowska-Fedak
Dear 6th year students,
Please read Information for 6th year students. You will find here important information regarding diplomas.
Best Regards, ED Staff
Dear Students,
Please bring your attendance cards to Psychiatry department.
Department of Psychiatry
Wybrzeże L. Pasteura 10, 50-367 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 16 00, faks: 71 784 16 02
Head of Department
prof. dr hab. Joanna Rymaszewska
Dear Students.
Orthopedic and Thaumatology Exam will be held on 01.02.2017 at 8:00 am Jana Pawła II – lecture hall, 213 Borowska St.
This info may be found on the board in Orthopedic and Thaumatology Department.
ED Staff
Dear Students,
please remember that the deadline for payments for summer semester 2016/2017 is 15.02.2017.
After 15th of February the system will charge you interest.
ED Staff
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