Information for 3rd year students

Dear III year Students,
we remind you that after the end of the III year you should have 210 hours of  optional subjects.
Optional subjects are important in obtaining a diploma after graduation 6 year of study.
ED Staff

Information for 4th year students

Dear IV year Students,

we remind you that after the end of the IV year you should have 280 hours of  optional subjects.
Optional subjects are important in obtaining a diploma after graduation 6 year of study.
ED Staff

Information for 6th year students

Dear 6th year Students,
Please visit your virtual account and check if your  data in the electronic system is correct (Virtual University):
Please check: name and surname, date of birth, place of birth, optional hours, grades, etc.
Information for 6th year students is available on our website, please read the procedure and 6 attachments.
ED Staff

Dress code

Dear students,
during the exams  dress code is required.
ED Staff

Pediatric Lecture - III year students

Changing the term of Pediatric Lecture for ED III year  students.

On June 13 at 10-11.30 in the room of Biernacki, Pasteura Street, will be make up outstanding lecture (Pediatrics  Propedeutics)  from 21.04.2017.
ED Staff

Infectious Diseases (Children) 3rd year- classes deleted

To 3rd year Students,
Please be informed that the Infectious Diseases (Children) - tomorrow classes for groups: 7a, 7b, 8a are deleted.
The following students please contact with Dr  Agnieszka Matkowska-Kocjan:
1)Mansoor Shazana,
2)Lewandowski  Camila,
3)Michał Górnik,
4)Saj Angelika,
5)Barski Paweł,
6)Alhathami Yaser Abdullkareem,
7)Wyderka Felix,
8)Ghanno Daniel,
9)Galindo Vladimir,
10)Alherz Mohammed
Agnieszka Matkowska-Kocjan

Otolaryngology Preterm Exam - 4 and 6 year students

Dear students,
To be qualified for the ENT exam in preterm students need to:
1.     have 100% attendance on classes
2.     show extra engagement during classes
3.     have recommendation on paper from tutor, which encourages the professor to allow the student to take preterm exam
Best regards, Otolaryngology Department

Earlier term in Pharmacology and toxicology exam

3rd year Medical Students – Earlier term in Pharmacology and toxicology exam – IMPORTANT

The term of the earlier (voluntary) exam in Pharmacology and toxicology is changed from 8th of June (Thursday) to 9th of June (Friday).
Exam will be at 11:15 a.m. in the Department of Pharmacology. Please do NOT forget student’s ID card and something permanent to write (black or blue).

Big Success For English Division Wrocław's Floor Hockey Team

After putting together a team in 12 hours and registering a day later, English Division students from Wrocław Medical University participated in their first Floor Hockey  (Unihokej) tournament in school history between AWF, Politeknika Wroclawska, Uniwersytet Wroclawski and Zielona Gora. The team led by captain Daniel Lewandowski, won their first game ever played 1-0, with a goal scored with 25seconds left, against AWF. The boys lost the next 2 games (0-1, 0-2) but won against Zieolna Gora in a shoot out thriller 2-1.

Examination cards - 6th year students

Dear 6th year students,

Your examination cards are ready to collect from ED office.
ED Staff