HELIOS Klinikum Berlin

Dear students,
there is possibility to do 5th year of studies in HELIOS Klinikum Berlin.
Students who are interested please come to ED Office and contact with Karina Michlik.
ED Staff

Issuing of diploma

Dear 6th year students,
The payment for Diploma is:
1) 60 PLN for Polish version - obligatory for everyone
2) if you would like to have additional copy in English or in other language (you can order only one copy !) you should pay 40 PLN
3) please find enclosed the request for additional (only one!) copy
Please remember that on your Diploma in foreign language version the final grade is in Polish and the title is also in Polish – “LEKARZ”

Peadiatrics's Lecture - 5th year

Dear 5th year Students,
Please be informed that the Peadiatrics's Lecture on 01.06 and 08.06.
will be on seminary room  by ul. Chałubińskiego 2a - 1st Department and
Clinic of Paediatrics,Allergology and Cardiology.

Sorry for inconvenience.

dr hab. n. med. Barbara Sozańska
adiunkt ds English Division
I Katedra i Klinika Pediatrii, Alergologii i Kardiologii

Medical Chemistry exam

Attention: new date of the Medical Chemistry exam
The Medical Chemistry exam:
the 1st term  will be held on June 14 at 8.00 at the Emergency and disaster medicine, Bujwida Street 44
Please remember to take your index and examination card
The 1st retake
will be held on September 6 at 9.00 at the Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry, Bujwida Street 44a
The 2nd retake
will be held on September 14 at 9.00 at the Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry, Bujwida Street 44a

New date of the conditional credit from Medical Chemistry

 Attention: the new date of the conditional credit from Medical Chemistry
The conditional credit from Medical Chemistry will be held on June 9 at 10.00 at the Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry, Bujwida Street 44a
ED Staff

SUMMER APPRENTICESHIP in Wroclaw - last call

All Students who have already signed up on the pre-list please come to the ED office to sign up on the FINAL LIST.
ED Staff

Summer apprenticeship in Ukraine

Dear Students,
We would like to inform, that there is possibility to do summer apprenticeship in Narodowy Uniwersytet Medyczny im. O. Bohomołcia in Kiev - National Medical University O.O. Bogomolets (Ukraine)
The University is offering summer apprenticeship in following departments:
·Department for Gastroenterology 
·Department for Family Medicine
·Department for Obstetrics and Gynecology
·Center of Dentistry
·Department for Ophthalmology

Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry - indexes

Dear students,
The presidents of groups should bring the indexes to the Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry. The indexes will be signed from 30 to 31 of May between 8.30 and 14.30.
ED Staff


Dear III year students,
INTERNAL DISEASES (PROPAEDEUTICS) EXAM will take place: 22.06.2017 (Thursday) at 11.30
Place: Biernacki Hall, Pasteura 4 Street.
Students should arrive 15 minutes before the exam.
ED Staff

Wroclaw Medical University 2017 Inter-University Floor Hockey Champions!

After their first tournament a few weeks ago, Wroclaw Medical University won 2 games and lost 2 games in their first ever tournament. It was the first time playing the sport for many of the players and they would sit in 4th place out of 5 teams after the first round. Playing yesterday with almost a full squad, the boys won every single game and finished off at first place and claiming the Dolnośląskie Inter-University Championship with a record of 6-2.