To all Students

Dear Students,

Please deliver to ED office your:

1) occupational health certificate

2) sanitary and epidemiological examination certificate.

The deadline for above mentioned documents is 26.01.2018.

Students who will not deliver above mentioned documents to ED office will not be able to get promotion for next semester.

BR, ED Staff

Family Medicine Exam - 6th year

Dear 6th year Students,

Family Medicine Exam (multiplate choice) will be on 30.01.2017 at 9:00am in Departament of Familly Medicine.
Dr hab. Maria Bujnowska - Fedak
Department of Family Medicine


To all Students

Dear Students,
we wish You a Merry Christmas and happy New Year
ED Staff

Psychiatry exam for 6th year

Dear 6th year Students,

Psychiatry exam for 6th year:

The term of psychiatry exam: 29th January 2018 at 10.00 AM

Lecture room CNIM (Library) nr 209

prof. dr. hab. Joanna Rymaszewska



McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine, Kraków 2018 (MIRCIM)

Dear Students,

we would like to inform regarding McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine, Kraków 2018 (MIRCIM)

ED Staff

"Emergency Medicine" Information for 5th year students,

Dear 5th year students,

tomorrow's lecture from "Emergency Medicine" at 14.30 will take place in the Biernacki hall,
Pasteura 4 Street.

ED Staff


ED office closed

Dear Students
we would like to inform that ED students office will be open on Thursday(14.12.2017) from 10.00 till 12.30. Sorry for inconvenience.
BR, ED Staff

13th National Autumn Gastroenterological Scientific Conference

On December 2nd, 2017, the 13th National Autumn Gastroenterological Scientific Conference took place. The conference was once again organized by scientific circles operating at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, supervised by dr Radosław Kempiński (SKN at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology) and dr Katarzyna Neubauer (SKN for English Division students). Over 100 students applied for the conference. The meeting began with a lecture by prof. dr hab. Tomasz Wróbel devoted to gastrointestinal lymphomas.

Pediatrics classes for 6th year - Summer semester

Dear 6th year Students,

Please find the link concerning your schedule of pediatric classes on 12th semester - summer semester.

BR, ED Staff

Gynecology Exam for 6th year Students, NEW DATE!!!

Dear 6th year Students,

Test Exam of Gynecology and obstetrics will be held on 02.02.2018, Jan Pawel II Lecture hall (Borowska Street) from 15:30pm - 18:30pm

The test exam is obligatory for all students.

Only students, who has average 4.5 and higher (after two tests from summer semester 4th year and 5th year), could be exempt from the test.

1st step - written test

2nd step - oral exam (during the examination session or as pre-term if you can).

ED Staff