On December 2nd, 2017, the 13th National Autumn Gastroenterological Scientific Conference took place. The conference was once again organized by scientific circles operating at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, supervised by dr Radosław Kempiński (SKN at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology) and dr Katarzyna Neubauer (SKN for English Division students). Over 100 students applied for the conference. The meeting began with a lecture by prof. dr hab. Tomasz Wróbel devoted to gastrointestinal lymphomas. In two sessions, 18 of the best papers sent to the conference were presented. ED students within the circle at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology presented works on: 1. Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases with particular emphasis on the growing number of illnesses in people over 60 and scientific reports from Canada, where every 1 in 150 people develop IBD; 2. NAFLD in Saudi Arabia, where steatohepatic disease of the liver is importantly influenced by a high proportion of overweight and obese people comparable to the US; 3. Benefits and risks associated with the low FODMAP diet, which is used in advanced dietary strategies in IBS and in research for IBD; 4. Epidemiology of pancreatic cancer in the light of reports about constantly increasing rates of illness and international initiatives aimed at improved prognosis in these patients. The conference was also attended by students from the Medical University of Silesia and Medical Universities from Warsaw, Lublin and Białystok. The work was evaluated by the Scientific Committee composed of: prof.dr hab. Elżbieta Poniewierka, dr hab. Paweł Domosławski and dr.n.med. Andrew Stawarski, who in the conclusion of the conference emphasized the high level of work and congratulated students of speeches. Thank you to all those who attended this year, and see you in 2018!