Amboss for free
Dear Students,
You all have the chance to try out Amboss for free for one month. You can follow the link and find all the necessary information.
Amboss is a breakthrough medical learning platform dedicated to help future physicians succeed on their exams. It may be used throughout all years of medical school. Join the group and try it out!
In case of questions: Please contact Tamara El Saadany, as she is Amboss ambassador here in Wroclaw.

Faculty of Medicine – 2nd year

summer semester 2017/2018

PRETERM in PHYSIOLOGY is on Friday, June 15 at 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm in the Lecture Hall of Wiktor Bross, ul. M. Skłodowskiej Curie 66,

take your identity card or passport or student book

In Charge of English Division, Department of Physiology

dr Agnieszka Buldańczyk



Congratulations to English Division’s Simulation Team!

With the Medical Simulation Center having its grand opening on May 11th, it was time for Wrocław to have its very own Simulation Competition. On Tuesday May 29th, nine teams competed in the Simulation Competition at the new Medical Simulation Center, to put their theoretical and practical knowledge to the test. Each team had four to five people, and were scored on their teamwork, practical skills, theoretical knowledge, and communication within the team, and also to the patient. Two of those teams from 3rd and 4th year represented English Division and the EMISA research society.

Optional - still available

Dear Students,
there is still Optional subject available,

Optional: NGOs in Health Promotion (10h)

Location: Social Medicine Department, 44 Bujwida St.

Time: 6th June, 13:00 – 16:45 and 13th June, 13:00 – 16:45

Please confirm you are interested in by sending an email:

BR, ED staff


Dear Students,

We would like to inform you, that the deadline for students who signed up for the pre-list is Tuesday 22nd of May 2018.

From Wednesday 23rd of May 2018 the spots will be aviailable for others students.

Please remember that all students who want to do summer app. abroad MUST fill in the 'Request for consent to organize an internship on one's own'. If you have 2 parts, you have to fill out 2 requests, seperate for each.

We won't accept the confirmation if you don't get the acceptance earlier!!!

Medical Chemistry classes


The last term of conditional from Medical Chemistry classes

will be held on June 15th at 10.00

at the Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry,

Bujwida Street 44a

BR, Anna Lemańska-Perek


Medical students- wanted for a games

Dear English Division Medical Students,

We are launching the first emergency medicine simulation games in English but we need your help.

2019 Emergency Medicine Simulation Competition in English in Krakow

Jagiellonian University hosted its 5th annual simulation games for the medical students this spring. As guest participants we had a great experience and it was a phenomenal learning opportunity. As a result, we want to organize a similar event specifically for the English division medical programs in Europe.

Enrollment for Summer Apprenticeship in Poland

Dear Students,
We would like to inform you the enrollment for apprenticeship will be held from May 14th 2018 (Monday) until May 17th 2018 (Thursday) (10.00-14.00). Registration aviailable ONLY for students who have already sign up from the pre-list. We also would like to inform that only students with valid general and sanitary epidemiological tests will receive referrals.

The person who is responsible for summer apprenticeship is Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk-Prażmo - room no 12.

ED staff



Dear Students,
We would like to remind that the pediatric test exam for 6th year students of English Division will take place on 16/05/2018 at 9.00 at the lecture hall B of Scientific Medical Information Centre (The Main Library) at Marcinkowskiego Street 2-6.

Please be there at least 15 minutes earlier- at 8.45.

What to take with you (obligatory):

1. Student‘s index and additionally one more valid ID document with photo (i.e. passport).

2. Writing supplies (pen with blue or black ink).


Information about

Dear Students,

AMBOSS is a learning system designed for your whole medical career. Medical students, residents and physicians can use the library as an easily navigable reference tool for their clinical work. The Qbank is optimized for medical students to prep for exams with an integrated USMLE-style question bank.

It is the one source to help you through medical school (beginning from year 3 (english version) or begining from year 1 (german version)) until the very end.