Students who are interested in those courses are asked to contact with Justyna Łuczak (justyna.luczak@umed.wroc.pl)
Group 1
Ostrowskiego str. 3 and Syrokomli str. 1
21.03.2019 16.00-19.45 dr hab. Maria Bujnowska-Fedak (5h)
26.03.2019 14.30 - 18.15 dr Bartosz Sapilak (5h)
Group 2
Ostrowskiego str. 3 and Syrokomli str. 1
28.03.2019 16.00--19.45 dr hab. Maria Bujnowska-Fedak (5h)
2.04.2019 14.30-18.15 dr Bartosz Sapilak (5h)
Dear 5th year students,
from 26.02.2019 you can fill "Practical Clinical Teaching Declaration" which you can find on our website:
Don't forget about photo.
ED Staff
Dear Students,
I would like to inform You that registration for the course "Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy methods in evaluation of the morphology of various tissues and organs" for I and II year of studies is by sending an e-mail to: katarzyna.haczkiewicz@umed.wroc.pl. The course starts on 03/04/2019 (Wednesday), 17.15 pm, HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY DIVISION ul. Chalubinskiego 6a
Best Regards
Course: Biology of Aging, 1st year, 10 hours, 0.5 ECTS
Dates: 29/03, 05/04, 12/04/2019, from 2.00-4.00 p.m.
Place: The seminar (osteological) room at the Division of Anatomy (on the 1st floor), 6a Chalubinskiego St.
If you could be there, please send your submission to: piotr.chmielewski@umed.wroc.pl
Piotr Chmielewski
Dear Students,
We kindly inform that students who plan to do summer apprenticeship in Wroclaw are required to come to ED office and sign up for the pre-list. We have to know how many of you want to do it in Wroclaw.
Please remember that all students who want to do summer app. abroad MUST fill in the 'Request for consent to organize an internship on one's own'. If you have 2 parts, you have to fill out 2 requests, seperate for each.
Dear Students,
we would like to invite you for Clinical Key Medical Education. More information can be foud here : https://www.facebook.com/events/342448276599848/
under this link you can register for the training : http://bg.umed.wroc.pl/registration/warsztaty/index-eng.php
There are only 20 places left.
Best regards, ED Staff
Dear Students,
It makes us very happy that so many students have chosen our optional. Unfortunately, we can only run 2 groups. Students who received an e-mail today are invited to the course. We are very pleased and would like to welcome everyone, but we have limits and limited possibilities.
Students who received a feedback are accepted. We have 2 terms:
1-st group
Wednesdays: time 12.45-15.00 6.03, 13.03 ,27.03,03.04, 10.04, 17.04,08.05,15.05,22.05,29.05
2-nd group
Dear Students
THE 2nd RETAKE EXAM in BIOPHYSICS for students of the 1st year (MEDICAL FACULTY) will take place on the1st of March 2019 at 10:00 in: CLINIC OF GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS (ul. Chałubińskiego 3)
Head of Laboratory,
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Mozrzymas
Dear Student,
please note the list is closed. Don't send any emails to the teacher.
ED Staff
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