OPTIONAL - “Selected forms of physical activity in health prevention”

Dear Students,
It makes us very happy that so many students have chosen our optional. Unfortunately, we can only run 2 groups. Students who received an e-mail today are invited to the course. We are very pleased and would like to welcome everyone, but we have limits and limited possibilities.
Students who received a feedback are accepted. We have 2 terms:
1-st group
Wednesdays: time 12.45-15.00 6.03, 13.03 ,27.03,03.04, 10.04, 17.04,08.05,15.05,22.05,29.05
2-nd group
Fridays: time 13.45-16.00 08.03,15.03,29.03, 05.04,12.04,19.04,10.05,24.05,31.05, 07.06,
24-30 students it’s a limit for a group on Wednesday and on Friday

Best regards,
dr Aureliusz Kosendiak
p.o kierownika
Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu
Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu
ul. Wojciecha z Brudzewa 12a, 51-601 Wrocław