Oncology exam - 5th year

Dear Students,
we would like to inform you that the Oncology exam will be held on 17th June 2021. More details soon, on our website.
Best regards, ED Staff

Optional classes “Molecular basis of parasitological diagnostics” - free places!

Dear Students!
There are still vacancies in the practical optional classes “Molecular basis of parasitological diagnostics”. You will have the opportunity to work in the lab in small groups with nice teachers and learn how to proceed biological samples, isolate DNA, perform PCR and analyze the results. If you want to enroll please send your request to : marta.kicia@umed.wroc.pl
Best regards,

Free places for the optional course !

Dear Students.

We kindly inform You that there are still free places for the optional course entitled „Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy methods in evaluation of the morphology of various tissues and organs".

If You would like to enroll please send an email with Your surname, name, index number, and year of study to katarzyna.haczkiewicz@umed.wroc.pl

We cordially invite You.

Best regards, Katarzyna Haczkiewicz-Leśniak

Summer apprenticeships - reminder

Dear Students,
we would like to remind you that the extended deadline for completing overdue summer apprenticeships expires on 30 June 2021.
Best regards, ED Staff

Optional subjects - required number of hours

Dear Students.
Please be advised that according to the study program, at the end of a given year of study (till the end of the summer semester), students should complete the following number of hours of Optional subjects:
1st year - 60 hours
2nd year - 170 hours
3rd year - 260 hours
4th year - 300 hours
5th and 6th years - 300 hours

Students are obliged to complete the required number of Optional subjects by the end of the summer semester. You cannot complete more hours in advance.
Best regards, ED Staff

Optional courses - important information!

Dear Students,
we ask you to urgently check in your profile at the virtual university which optional subjects you are currently enrolled in. If necessary, please make appropriate changes and corrections. It is obligatory to unsubscribe from the optional subjects you do not intend to attend.
Best regards, ED Staff

Recommendations on the infection prevention in summer semester

Recommendations for students and employees of the Wroclaw Medical University on the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection when conducting classes in the summer semester of 2020/2021.

We want to inform you that the following rules apply to all vaccinated and unvaccinated students.

Clinical and practical classes – Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Faculty and Faculty of Health Sciences

Enrolment for optionals – list of optional courses.

Dear Students,
We kindly inform that enrolment for optional courses starts on the 15th of February 2021 at 8.00 a.m. It will be closed on the 21st of February 2021 at 11.59 p.m. It is available only via Virtual University.

To log in to the Virtual University you must have an university account!!! If you dont't have it please do this now https://csa.umed.wroc.pl/#enstudents


Dear Students,
We would like to remind you, that you are obliged to update your Medical Examination: health certificate (in Polish: "zaświadczenie lekarskie o braku przeciwwskazań do studiowania") and sanitary certificate (in Polish: "orzeczenie lekarskie dla celów sanitarno-epidemiologicznych").
The procedure for people, who have not done a medical examination yet is available on our website:
Medical Examinations (English Division - Medicine) | English Division (umed.wroc.pl)

Enrolment for optionals starts on February 15th!

Dear Students,
We kindly inform that enrolment for optional courses starts on the 15th of February at 8.00 a.m. It will be closed on the 21st of February at 11.59 p.m. We would like to emphasize that the registration will take place online (only).