Dean’s hours

Dear Students,
we would like to inform that tomorrow (20.02.2018.) English Division student, Faculty of Medicine will have Dean’s hours from 1.00 pm till 3.00 pm due to meeting which will be held in library that day.
Best regards, ED Staff


Dear Students,
please sign up for optionals (the current list is attached). You can sign up only for optionals which are dedicated to SUMMER SEMESTER and for your year!

In the table (in the last field) you can find an email (where to send the application) or the info how to enroll.

Your email has to include:
- the name of COURSE from the list (teachers have often a few optionals)
- your name and surname
- student number
- year
- contact details

You have time for enrollment till the 23rd of February.


Dear Students,
On Monday we will send you details about optionals (the list of them, and how to enroll). But right now you can enroll for 2 optionals, which start from the very beginning of the next week:

CONFLICTS - METHODS OF ANALYZING AND SOLVING I-V year, Bujwida str. 44, first meeting 19.02.2018, 12.30PM

Invitation for meeting

Dear Students,
we would like to invite all English Division Students for the meeting which will be summarizing of the semester. During this meeting we will also discuss new standards of teacher -student communication. The meeting will be held on Tuesday (20.02.2018.) at 1.00 pm in main library lecture hall.
ED Staff

Rector's hours

To All Students,

Please be informed that on 13.03.2018 (Tuesday) you have Rector's hours from 10:00 am till 2:00 pm - free of classes.

BR, ED Staff

Information for 6th year students

Dear 6th year Students,

Please visit ED office and pick up your formal acceptation concerning chosen specialty.

Without this document, you can not start classes of Practical Clinical Teaching - chosen specialty.

ED Staff

Wroclaw the best !

And the winner is - Wroclaw - the Best place to visit in 2018.
See the link : HERE
ED Staff :)

To all 5th year students

Please refer to the Information for 5th year PRACTICAL CLINICAL TEACHING and read it carefully. Deadline for submitting of the declaration is on 28th February 2018.
ED Staff

OPTIONAL SUBJECTS - summer - signing up

Dear Students,

Please be informed that you can sign up for optionals from 19.02.2017 till 23.02.2017. Don't send any emails to the teachers now, we will put a new list of optionals in the current information and then you can sign up!

Best regards, ED Staff


Information for 5th year students - Family Medicine- Urgent.

Dear Students,

please deliver to dr hab. Maria Bujnowska - Fedak (till 07.02.2018 Wednesday) attendence card from Family Medicine.

Students who will not submit this document will not have a credit and will repeat the subject on the next academic year.

Best regards, ED Staff