The optional classes of Latin language


The optional classes of Latin language in medical terminology will take place according to this schedule:


  • First group: 2.00 p.m. - 3.30 p.m. (24 students)
  • Second group: 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. (24 students)

The classes start on Wednesday, 20th of February 2019


4th year Medical Students repeating the Pharmacology and toxicology course

4th year Medical Students repeating the Pharmacology and toxicology course

The first class for you will be on Thursday (21st of February) at 15:45 in the Department of Pharmacology – room 12. Schedule for the next classes will be given on the first meeting.

Best wishes
Anna Merwid-Ląd


Dear Students,

we kindly inform you can enroll for optional subjects between the 17th and 21st of February (the current list is attached, seperate for each year).You can sign up only for subjects which are dedicated for summer semester and for your year!
We’ve attached also the schedule of selected optionals

You can't send any emails before the date!!!

The list with email addresses will be published on Sunday at 8.00 p.m. (17/02/2019).

Please remember you can sign up using only your umed email box!!!

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE - Summer internships in Romania

Dear Students,

University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș invites 5 students of our university for one-month summer practices at selected departments of the University Clinical Hospital in Târgu Mureș.

All details are aviailable on website of International Relations Office:

Kind regards,
ED staff

Rector's hours 14.03.2019

Dear Students,
Due to  the celebration of the promotion of doctors of medical and pharmaceutical sciences, the Rector's hours will be held on 10:00 a.m. and  2:00 p.m. on March 14th (Thursday), 2019.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE - Call for summer clinical electives in the U.S.

Dear Students:

Virginia Tech Carillion School of Medicine, our academic partner university within the framework of the signed cooperation and student exchange agreement, offers clinical elective placements in one of affiliated teaching hospital, Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, located in Ronaoke.

Alla details are aviailable on website:

Reminder_Visegrad Scholarship Program 2019 | Deadline March 15, 2019

The International Visegrad Fund is offering Master's and Post-Master's scholarships to students/researchers who are citizens of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).

Pharmacology and toxicology - exam

3rd year Medical Students and Students retaken Pharmacology and toxicology

The final exam in Pharmacology and toxicology for 3rd year Medical Students and Students retaken the Pharmacology and toxicology course will be on Monday 24th of June at 8:00. Information about lectures halls for the exam and all other details will be announced just before the exam.

Best wishes,
Anna Merwid

Infectious Diseases

Dear 4th year Students,

We would like to inform you, that your Infectious Disease's retake exam will be :

(You can choose the term )

1. 20.02.2019 at 2:00 pm

2. 26.02.2019 at 1:30 pm

Please remember that you should sign up on the list before the exam

Place of exam : Koszarowa Street 5, Building A3, Room 1A16.

ED Staff

6th year students- chosen speciality declaration

Dear 6th year students,

please come to ED to pick up Practical Clinical Teaching - chosen speciality declaration.

ED Staff