Enrollment for Summer Apprenticeship in Poland

Dear Students,

We kindly inform the enrollment for apprenticeship will be held from May 27th 2019 (Monday) until May 30th 2019 (Thursday) (10.00-14.00). Registration aviailable ONLY for students who have already signed up for the pre-list.

Make up of the classes with dr Renata Taboła

Dear 5th year students,

classes with dr Renata Taboła from 21.05.2019 at 12.15 are cancelled (group: "6a" and "6b").

Make up of the classes will take place on 07.06.2019 at 9.15

ED Staff

Simulation in Medical Emergencies Summer School 2019
Course in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Bezirkskrankenhaus Bayreuth – next edition!

Dear Students,
we cordially invite you to take up a two-week course in psychiatry and psychotherapy at Bezirkskrankenhaus Bayreuth - teaching hospital of the University Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nürnberg.
District hospital in Bayreuth is a specialist hospital dealing with mental, psychosomatic and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Dear students,

We would like to inform that the RADIOLOGY exam for the 4th year students of  English Division will take place on 18/06/2019 at 13:00 at AULA JANA PAWŁA II at Borowska Street.
Please be there at least 30 minutes earlier- at 12:30.

What to take with you (obligatory):
1. Student's index and additionally one more valid ID document with a photo (i.e. passport).
2. Writing supplies (pen or pencil).

Magdalena Łączyńska

3rd year - Propedutics of Internal - CREDIT

Dear Students,
we kindly inform the credit of Propedeutics of Internal will be held on 03.06.19, 8:45 am, Bross Hall.
dr Andrzej Obojski

Treffen mit Dr. Matylda Nosul vom HELIOS Klinikum Berlin Buch

Treffen mit Dr. Matylda Nosul vom HELIOS Klinikum Berlin Buch

Meeting with Dr. Matylda Nosul from HELIOS Klinikum Berlin Buch

Meeting with Dr. Matylda Nosul from HELIOS Klinikum Berlin Buch

Optional subject "Food additives and genetically modified food" - still available
Dear Students,
if you need still optional to complete your program, please contact with Mrs Alicja Basiak-Rasała (alicja.basiak@student.umed.wroc.pl)
There are still available spots to join optional: "Food additives and genetically modified food". Next classes: 14.05.2019 (Tuesday), 13:00, 44 Bujwida str (Department of Social Medicine)