Optional - "Can we grow old in good health"
Dear Students,
We would like to inform you that the third group of the Optional subject "Can we grow old in good health" starts on Tuesday 10.11.20 at 4 pm. 
Please contact dr Joanna Żórawska by email in advance: joanna.zorawska@umed.wroc.pl
Online classes - Faculty of Medicine

Dear Medical Students, year 1-5,
We would like to inform you that from Monday, November 9th to November 29th, 2020, all classes will be held online. This does not apply to 6th year students. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine can decide about another form of education during this period. You will be informed about it ASAP.

Best regards, ED Staff

Virtual University

Dear Students,
we would like to inform that tomorrow 5th November access to Virtual university will be suspended between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm
Best regards, ED Staff

Summer apprenticeship confirmation

Dear Students,

all students (apart from 1st year) who have not submitted requests for organise an internship by your own and summer apprenticeship confirmation are obliged to do this till the end of next week (8th November) to ED office in original or as a scan to email address of the responsible person.

Best regards, ED staff

1st year students- Payment for a students ID

Please pay 22 PLN for student ID card until 31.10.2020. After that date the system will charge interest.

ED Staff

The Umed Bus – student survey

From Monday the 26th of October a dedicated bus is shuttling between the Old Campus and University Clinical Hospital. Let us know your thoughts on the schedule of the bus and its stops in our survey, especially if you’d like to see changes in the current schedule. Link to survey


Optional course 'Preventive care in the family medicine

Dear Students,
please find the details regarding the Optional course 'Preventive care in the family medicine'.
<final list >  <information>

BR, ED Staff

Rector's day - 28th October 2020
Dear Students,
we would like to inform that 28th October is free of classes, Rector's day.
Best regards, ED staff
Online classes - Faculty of Medicine

Dear Medical Students, year 1-5,
We would like to inform you that from Saturday, October 24th to November 7th, 2020, all classes will be held online. This does not apply to 6th year students.
In case of cancelation of classes teacher responsible for given subject will send information to students emails. Students are required to regularly check email boxes in the university's domain.
Best regards, ED staff

Optional - "Can we grow old in good health"
We would like to inform you that the second group of the Optional subject "Can we grow old in good health" starts on Wednesday 28.10.20 between 4-7pm. 
Please contact dr Joanna Żórawska by email in advance: joanna.zorawska@umed.wroc.pl