Student Insurance and Health Care

Students are recommended to buy an insurance policy prior to the arrival in Wrocław for a period of 12 months or obtain it at:

National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia)
ul. Dawida 2, room 121.

Required documents:
1. Valid Student's ID card
2. Passport or Temporary Stay Card
3. Confirmatiom from the University student's office about the duration of studies

The agreement received from NFZ should be then registered in the Social Insurance Departament, ul. Pretficza 11 (room 70, Department - Wydział Obsługi Ubezpieczonych i Płatników Składek).

Then the agreement should be brought to the chosen medical doctor or outpatient clinic (you choose doctor or clinic by yourself).

1-month cost of such insurance policy is 46,80 PLN.

Without health insurance one will have to pay all the costs of treatment in full by himself.