Dear Students,
We would like to inform, that there is possibility to do summer apprenticeship in Narodowy Uniwersytet Medyczny im. O. Bohomołcia in Kiev - National Medical University O.O. Bogomolets (Ukraine)
The University is offering summer apprenticeship in following departments:
·Department for Gastroenterology
·Department for Family Medicine
·Department for Obstetrics and Gynecology
·Center of Dentistry
·Department for Ophthalmology
·Department for Infectious Diseases
·Department for Children Infectious Diseases
·Department for Surgery
·Department for Tuberculosis
·Department for Cardiology
·Department for Otorhinolaryngology
·Department for Internal Diseases
·Institute for Experimental Pathology
Detailed information is provided by:
Roksana Struzik-Gałwa
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej
International Relations Office
Wroclaw Medical University
Wybrzeże L. Pasteura 1
50-367 Wrocław
tel. 71-784-11-42