Dear Students,
We wish to remind you, that although the Ministry of Education issued a new regulations concerning nostrification of high school certificates THE REQUIREMENTS ARE STILL THE SAME.
Students from some countries will not get a nostrification certificate from The Board of Educations, other students will get such document, but nothing else has changed. You are still obliged to submit all required documents: original high school certifcate (legalized or provided with apostille, depending on the country), VHS paper or certification from the Polish Consulate (when needed), TRANSLATION INTO POLISH made by a sworn translator (!) in Poland.
We also want to remaind you that you were obliged to complete all of those documents till the end of the first semester of your studies. This is particularly important for students in the last years, because without nostrification it will be impossible to give you diplomas. More detailed information can be found here.
ED Team