Dear Students of 4th year ED
This is for students who did not get the credit from allergology part of pediatric classes.
We, teachers from Pediatric, Allergology and Cardiology Clinic, have prepared the materials covering whole subjects planned to be taught during your allergology course. There are five lessons (as five classes planned) prepared, each consisting of presentation of the topic, test for self-checking, additional literature and topics for presentation and essays which , you have to prepare to get credit. Each student has to prepare 1 presentation and 1 essay chosing the topics proposed (from the lesson you choose) and on the basis of the proposed literature.
You are also getting emails for your teachers (different for different subgroups) from our clinic for the contact (send your work to your individual teacher) and in case of any questions regarding the lessons. DEADLINE FOR YOUR PRESENTATIONS AND ESSAYS : 12 APRIL 2020
In case of any general questions you can contact :
Best wishes, Barbara Sozanska