Summer course in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Bezirkskrankenhaus Bayreuth

Dear Students, we cordially invite interested students of our University to take a two-week course in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University Hospital Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nürnberg.

District hospital in Bayreuth is a specialist hospital dealing with mental, psychosomatic and neuropsychiatric disorders.

General rules:
- the course is dedicated to students of the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine and English Division
- number of places: 8
- period: 3-14/09/2018 (2 weeks)

- very good knowledge of English (knowledge of German would be appreciated)
- german hospital provides free accommodation and meals
- preliminary course programme attached

Required documents:
- application (student's name and surname + contact details) or CV
- a certificate from the dean's office confirming the average grade
- optional: copy of the language certificate or grade obtained from the language exam at the Foreign Language Center (English or German)

Deadline for submitting applications:
- until 30/04/2018

Applications should be sent to the following e-mail address: or submit at International Relations Office (Rector's building, 2nd floor, room 23)


Preliminary programme (could be done in English or German) of a 2 weeks summer course in psychiatry/psychotherapy


Venue: Bezirkskrankenhaus Bayreuth, Nordring 2, 95445 Bayreuth, Germany

Each day starts at 08:30 a.m., and ends at 04:30 p.m., and includes lunch and 2 coffee breaks

Day 1 Introduction, Milestones of the History of the Discipline, walk-around in the hospital area, clinical examination (practical training) = 4 Time slots, each slot lasts for 90 minutes

Day 2 to Day 8 follows the same regime and covers diagnosis and treatment of the main mental disorders according to ICD-10-classification (day 2 = F0-disorders, day 3 = F1-disorders, day 4 = F2-disorders, day 5 = F3-disorders, day 6 = F4 & 5-disorders; day 7 = F6-disorders; day 8 = F7-disorders), in detail:

15 minutes introduction, 90 minutes Diagnosis, 2 X 90 minutes: visit to specialized ward & presentation and examination of at least 2 prototypical cases), 90 minutes treatment, 15 to 30 minutes: questions and review of the day

Day 9: visit to specialized ward & presentation and examination of at prototypical cases (details of this “in-more-depth” day will be defined during days 2 to 8)

Day 10: Visit of the department of child and youth psychiatry (90 minutes) & Visit of the department of forensic psychiatry (180 minutes); closing session (90 minutes)


ED Staff