Optional subject "Diagnostic of hypersensitivity reactions (allergic and autoimmune diseases)"

Dear students,
Optional subject "Diagnostic of hypersensitivity reactions (allergic and autoimmune diseases)" in summer semester 2016/2017 will be held on Tuesdays at 9:00-13:30 on following dates:
28.03, 04.04, 11.04, 25.04, 09.05.
Interested students should sign in the list till 10th of March at secretary of Clinical Immunology Department (Chałubińskiego 5, 2nd floor)
Optional will be open when there will be 24 students enrolled.
Due to space limitations we are able to create one group (24 students) for above mentioned terms.
In case of eventual huge interest in the optional we will try to create another group (schedule will be available later)
ED Staff