Optional "Diagnosis of hypersensitive reactions (allergic and autoimmune diseases)"

Dear students,
Optional "Diagnosis of hypersensitive reactions (allergic and autoimmune 
diseases)" in summer semester 2018 will take place on Fridays 23.02, 
02.03, 09.03, 16.03, 23.03, at 9:00, Departament of Clinical Immunology, 
Hall B, second floor.
Enrollment start: 19.02.2018 at 9:00.
We are able to provide places for first 24 students.
We do not accept any lists of students, one can enroll only him/herself 
via e-mail to pawel.gajdanowicz@umed.wroc.pl.
E-mails sent before 19.02.2018, 9:00 will not be considered.
ED Staff