Enrollment for Covid-19 Vaccination!

Dear Students.
We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Health in Poland restored vaccinations for medical and dentistry students. Registrations have been restarted for WMU students who have not yet been vaccinated. Students will be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Registration is open only until Thursday, 11th March 2021, at noon (12.00).
IMPORTANT : registration is necessary even for students who have already registered in the past. You must register again.
Vaccination is scheduled for this Saturday, March 13, 2021. Students will be informed individually about the details.
The enrollment form for students can be found until 12.00 on Thursday, 11th March 2021, at https: https://www.formularze.umed.wroc.pl/koronawirus-szczepienia/
Best Regards, ED Staff